Complete programme of Ashburton events - Last updated 31st May 2022

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Royal British Legion Picnic
The RBL will be holding a Jubilee Picnic from 2pm today at the Legion Hut, Blogishay Lane. There will be live music from Rockafella 4 and a licensed bar. Bring your own picnic. All are welcome to attend.
When & Where
Time: 2pm
Location: Legion Hut, Blogishay Lane, Ashburton TQ13 7DE

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Jubilee Floral Celebration
A floral representation of all the Jubilees, silver, gold, diamond and platinum will be free to view at St. Andrew's Church from 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, 2nd June, following an opening ceremony and blessing, at the Church gates at 10am, by Rev. Mark Rylands.
The flower arrangements will be on display through each of the Bank Holiday days, from 10am, and teas and coffees will be available. All very welcome.
When & Where
Time: 10:30am
Location: St Andrews Church, 2 St Andrews Cl, Ashburton, TQ13 7DT

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Lighting of the Beacon
The Beacon at Mead Farm will be lit at 9:45. All welcome to attend.
Turn off at Alston Cross, signed Woodland and Denbury. Go to top of the hill at Combe Cross, turn left, park by sheds and fire will be on the right
When & Where
Time: 9:45pm
Location: Mead Farm, Alston Cross, Ashburton TQ13 7LJ - follow the signs from the A38

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Beating of the Bounds
The Beating of the Bounds is a tradition which involved walking the boundaries of the parish and beating the boundary markers to maintain a memory of the boundaries of the parish. These days, the beating of the bounds comprises 2 walks over 2 days. Each walk is roughly 11 miles and the likely duration is around 7 hours (8 maximum – last person home) depending on the weather conditions of each day. There is NO ENTRY FEE!
There is a bus pick up both mornings at 8.30am by the long-stay car park in Kingsbridge Lane. There will be two trips available each day, 16 people on each trip, first come first served.
Entry forms from: The Town Hall, Ashburton or Mr. D Crook Tel: 07840 936721, e-mail:
When & Where
Time: Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th Jun 2022, 9am at Cold East Cross
Start point both days: Cold East Cross, grid ref: SX7404 7424 shortly after 9 a.m.
Finish point on the Friday, 3rd June: Boundary stone in Bulivers way 3.30pm.
Location: Cold East Cross, grid ref: SX7404 7424

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South Devon Railway - Special Train
Charlie Dennis has arranged a special trip on the South Devon Railway for approximately 200
people. They will be children from the primary school, members of the Pensioners’ Association and the Memory Cafe. All tickets have been issued by invitation. There will be transport available for those who cannot drive via the Big Red Bus from the Town Centre.
The Jubilee Committee would like to thank The South Devon Railway for their generosity.
When & Where
Time: 5pm
Location: The Railway Station, Buckfastleigh TQ11 0DZ

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Beating of the Bounds
Second part of the walk that takes place on Friday, see above for details.
Coffee Morning
Ashburton Pensioners’ Association are holding a coffee morning in the Town Hall.
There will also be the judging of the cake competition
When & Where
Time: 10am
Location: Ashburton Town Hall, North Street, Ashburton

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Carnival Bingo
Ashburton Carnival Committee are holding their annual bingo event, eyes down at 2.30pm.
Lots of prizes, raffle, All welcome!
When & Where
Time: Arrive 2pm for 2:30pm start.
Location: Ashburton Town Hall, North Street, Ashburton

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Jubilee Beating of the Bounds BBQ
There will be a BBQ at the Royal British Legion hut to welcome home the Beating of the Bounds walkers (at around 4pm). BBQ, raffle and fully stocked bar. All are welcome.
When & Where
Time: 2pm
Location: Legion Hut, Blogishay Lane, Ashburton TQ13 7DE

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Other Local Events
The Rising Sun - Platinum Jubilee Celebration
Come and join us on Saturday 4th June for a traditional garden party in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee!
Royal and Duchess cream teas will be available between 2-4pm, and why not test your knowledge in a Royal quiz? With garden games running all afternoon and throughout the evening, there will be prizes and something enjoyable for all ages. A BBQ will continue our celebrations into the evening, 5.30-8.30pm cooking time.
We royally look forward to celebrating with you!
Time: Starting at 2pm
Location: The Rising Sun, Woodland, Ashburton, Newton Abbot TQ13 7JT

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Civic Service at St Andrew’s Church
There is a special Civic Service being held for the Platinum Jubilee at St Andrews Church.
When & Where
Time: 10:30am
Location: St Andrews Church, Ashburton, Newton Abbot TQ13 7DT

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The Big Lunch
The Big Lunch is being held in North Street from 1pm, to register your child for a packed lunch and free commemorative gift, pop into the Information Centre and pick up a form. Free lunches are available for primary school age children and younger. However, feel free to bring your own lunch and join in.
During the afternoon there will be free face painting and a magician between 2pm to 4pm
Why not get your children into the spirit of the occasion by making a crown or dressing up as the Queen. There will be prizes for best crown and best costume. Open to children and the young at heart.
Best Crown - £10 prize and certificate
Best Outfit - £10 prize and Certificate
Pop into the Information Centre for a template or use a template of your own.
When & Where
Time: 1pm
Location: North Street, Ashburton

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Early Evening Party
Following on from the Big Lunch there will be a Jubilee Party in North Street with music by Hybrid 5 (from 6pm). There will be food and a licensed bar provided by The Royal British Legion.
When & Where
Time: 6pm
Location: North Street, Ashburton

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There will a town bake off. Judging of the cakes will be during the Pensioners’ Coffee Morning on Saturday, 4th June from 10am to 11.30am. This competition is open to all with several classes to enter. See back of programme (available from the Information Centre) for an entry form.
Ashburton businesses are getting into the Jubilee spirit with a window dressing competition.
And Finally...
A big thank you goes to all the volunteers who have helped to make these events happen and all the supporting organisations: Ashburton Post Office, Coljan, Salty's Studio, Sawdye & Harris and Spar.
Thanks go to the Carnival Committee for their support and for their donation of £1,000. Also, Thanks to the Ashburton Town Council and the Covid19 Executive Committee who also donated £1,000.
The programme of events will be updated as new events are planned or brought to our attention, please check back periodically for updates.
If you are organising a local Jubilee Celebration event that isn't listed, please let us know by emailing