Opening dates and times for Ashburton's high-street businesses
As restrictions are eased further, more of Ashburton's businesses will re-open from Monday the 12th April. More cafes and restaurants will be opening for outdoor dining or takeaways and non-essential shops will be opening their doors for the first time since Christmas!
However, following such a long period of trading restrictions and with the ongoing safety measures, some businesses will be operating different hours than they did in the past. You may have to book in advance or follow additional safety guidelines. Please be kind and patient, all our businesses are doing their best to give you the best service possible in the circumstances.
To help Ashburton's businesses and their customers a document detailing opening times is available - just click here!
This document has been compiled by the Ashburton Information Centre - please let us know if you spot any errors or omissions or just want to tell us about changes to your opening times, just email: